Größe und Passform

Um die richtige Maskengröße für Ihre Gesichtsform zu ermitteln, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die genaue Messung nach der unten beschriebenen Methode vorzunehmen. So können Sie Ihre richtige Größe am genauesten ermitteln.


Measure from the bridge of your nose to the tip of your chin. It may be helpful to have a friend assist you. 

Measuring from the height of the bridge of your nose (usually just below your eye line) down to the tip of the chin, and do not measure past the tip of your chin.


Match your measurement with the given sizes below to find the correct sizing for you. We offer currently offer Medium/ Large
Large 4"-4.5"

If your measurements lie in-between sizes, we recommend using your weight as a secondary reference.
Medium up to 63kg
Large 63kg - 91kg
Extra Large 91kg and up


A proper fit is key to efficient filtration and prolonged comfort. There are a few tips and tricks to help fit your mask properly. 


When applying your mask, place the top most part of the mask on the very top of your nose, then lower to cover your mouth and chin. Finish by fastening the strap(s) in a comfortable position.


A proper seal is only required on the filter, not the mask shell. The filter (inside mask) is creating a seal on the users face while the mask shell has some slack. This is acceptable. As long as the filter is creating a seal, the mask is deemed effective.

*RZ filters are designed to match your chosen mask size, i.e. a Medium/Large (M/L) filter fits a medium/large mask

Need help?

If you are unsure of fit after following these instructions, please use the contact form below to reach out to us!

We'll be happy to help!

Lucy, Kelly & Kayleigh

Team RZ Masks UK